Our Team
Employees and their Families
ONWA understands how important family is to our employees. We pride and often refer to ourselves as a ‘family’ of our own. We know supporting our employees helps them to support their families in a healthy way. Employees and their families desire a compensation and benefit package that will allow them to enjoy a reasonable standard of living. We at the ONWA strive to ensure the needs of our employees and their families are met by consistently evaluating our programs in place and ensuring they are current with today’s market.
Board of Directors
The Board looks for sound and prudent advice on human resource matters, policies, procedures and practices. This includes employee performance, compensation and benefits, and employee relations. Human resources works to gather information relative to proactive practices within the organization in an effort to ensure a healthy and supportive work environment.
Managers and Directors
Managers and Directors look for guidance and counsel regarding the appropriate handling of various Human Resource matters pertaining to employment. Human Resources works closely and collaboratively with all Managers and Directors, ensuring we make the best decisions regarding our team.
All Portfolios
All portfolios within ONWA rely on accurate and accessible information regarding employment. Human Resources prides itself on maintaining efficient, organized and transparent processes to assist our stakeholders with inquiries.
External stakeholders and their needs have been designated as follows:
Job Applicants
Job Applicants need fair, equitable and considerate treatment as they vie for employment opportunities at the ONWA.
The community at large relies on a variety of services provided by ONWA. Members of the community will experience quality programs that are supported by employees who are knowledgeable, willing, and passionate in providing effective and meaningful services.