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ONWA’s Priorities in the 2022 Ontario Election


What issues are Indigenous women facing in your community? Ask your candidates how they plan to address your community’s concerns.

The Ontario Native Women's Association (ONWA)’s Priorities in the 2022 Ontario Election:

Priority 1: Investments in Indigenous women’s safety

Indigenous women and girls continue to go missing and be murdered at alarming rates. The violence we face knows no bounds. Indigenous women need immediate investments in safety and prevention services designed, developed, and delivered by and for Indigenous women and our organizations.

Ask your candidate: How does your party plan on addressing violence against Indigenous women and the MMIWG crisis?

Priority 2: Improved health care for Indigenous women and families

Indigenous women must be safe in all healthcare systems with the right to high quality health services throughout their lifecycle. We must ensure that Indigenous women can access health care, free from racism and discrimination.

Ask your candidate: How will you address systemic racism and discrimination in healthcare?

Priority 3: Safe Spaces

Indigenous women need safe spaces. The COVID-19 pandemic showed us that Indigenous women continue to lack safety and fall through socio-economic cracks. Safe spaces mean culturally safe access to quality services that are free of racism and discrimination.

Ask your candidate: What is your party’s plan for investments into Indigenous women’s safety?

Priority 4: Addressing over-representation of Indigenous children in care

Systemic change is required to keep Indigenous women and families safe and together. The child welfare system must be responsive to Indigenous women, recognizing and honouring the bond between mother and child. As part of this work, an innovative ‘Duty to Refer’ instead of a ‘Duty to Report’ model is needed.

Ask your candidate: How will your government address the child welfare system and overrepresentation of Indigenous children in care?

Priority 5: Safe and Affordable Housing for Indigenous Women

Indigenous women have unique housing needs. They may experience homelessness when they cannot access safe and supportive housing and inclusive culturally grounded shelter services. This can place them in precarious spaces and risk exploitation.

Ask your candidate: How will your party ensure Indigenous women can access safe and affordable housing in Ontario?

Indigenous women’s fundamental right to safety and healing must be at the forefront of the 2022 Ontario Election.

As trauma, mental health, and addictions continue to grow, we know that Indigenous women need safety and healing. This means access to barrier-free, wholistic, culture-based, trauma-informed services that are designed, developed, and delivered by and for Indigenous women.

Need help with accessing voting? Check out these resources below to get started:

Every vote matters! Cast your vote on Thursday, June 2, 2022, or in advanced polls until Saturday, May, 28th to have your voice heard.

Get out and make your vote count. Every Indigenous Vote Matters. #EveryVoteCounts



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