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2024 Nominations for Directors and Grandmothers Now Open

All members (Chapters and Councils) that are in good standing with ONWA Bylaws will be sent the nomination papers to nominate Indigenous women to the ONWA Board and Grandmothers Council. Nomination papers have been sent to the main contacts of all chapters and councils that have completed the annual profile update process and are in good standing.


Please reach out to Julia King at to request a copy of the nomination package.


2024 Nomination and Election Process for Directors


The Ontario Native Women’s Association has eight openings for Board members this year.


The following eight (8) Director positions will be open for election:


► 1 Eastern Director

► 2 Southern Directors (one is a Youth Director)

► 2 Western Directors (one is a Youth Director)

► 3 Northern Directors (one is a Youth Director)


Submit your nomination papers to Julia King  by 5:00 on August 14th, 2024.


If you have any questions, please reach out to me at or


Election Process for Directors

Between August 19th, 2024 – September 4th, 2024 Voting for Regional Board members will be done by region and through survey monkey. Three reminders to vote will be circulated during this time. The election results will be announced at the AGA.


2024 Grandmothers’ Selection Process


The Ontario Native Women’s Association has two openings for Grandmothers at the 2024 AGA. The ONWA Grandmother’s Council has four Grandmothers. As described in the ONWA by-laws, the mandate for the Council is: The ONWA Grandmothers shall work to preserve Indigenous culture, identity, art, language and heritage according to the mandate of the Association. The Council provides moral and spiritual supports, as well as connecting through ceremony.


Each region may identify one (1) Grandmother to be part of the ONWA Grandmothers’ Council. All ONWA Grandmothers must be Members of the Association but shall not be current Directors of the Association. ONWA has four regions: Eastern, Southern, Western and North.


At the September 2024 AGA, there is the opportunity to select two out of the four Grandmothers.


► One in the Eastern Region

► One in the Northern Region


Please see the attached ONWA Grandmothers Council Nomination Process for full details and eligibility.


Closing of Nominations for Grandmothers is August 14th, 2024 at 5pm


Submit your nomination papers to Julia King  by 5:00 on August 14th, 2024.


If you have any questions, please reach out to me at or

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