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Diabetes Awareness Month


Thunder Bay, ON – The Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) Mindimooyenh Health program would like to recognize Diabetes Awareness Month this November. We encourage Indigenous women and families to learn about diabetes prevention and screening and how we can protect our families.

Indigenous women and their families are more likely to be diagnosed at a younger age, have higher rates of complications of the disease and to have poorer health outcomes overall. 12.7% of Indigenous populations living off reserve have diabetes. Historical and ongoing colonialism has contributed to higher rates of diabetes in our communities and negative outcomes for Indigenous women, families and communities. Indigenous communities lack access to healthy, affordable nutritious food options, culturally appropriate care and equal access to health care screening and prevention programs.

ONWA will continue to work with communities to build specific programming that draws on Indigenous perspectives on health, healing and the root causes of diabetes.

ONWA is offering a series of online diabetes specific programming this month which recognizes and supports Indigenous women and their resilience and strength. Programming will include weekly family fitness events on zoom, beading and education sessions as well as guest speaker Joe Pitawanakwat from the Creators Garden. Please visit our website or social media outlets for more information.

This year, join Indigenous communities across Ontario as they honour their bodies through screening and prevention for diabetes. Help amplify Indigenous women’s voices and encourage your family, friends, and co-workers to learn about diabetes, get active and eat healthy.

For more information:

Andre Morriseau, Communications Manager

Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA)

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