ONWA Membership
In the Eastern Region of Ontario, ONWA's membership is taking actions to make positive change now and for future generations!
Biminaawzogin Regional Aboriginal Women’s Circle is assisting in solutions for Indigenous people to access permanent housing and outreach supports. This small but amazing dream team surpassed their 2024 targets and continue to do whatever it takes.
Orillia Native Women’s Group is committed to the growth and empowerment of Indigenous women by supporting the well-being of families, building strong foundations and sharing land-based and cultural teachings.
In the Southern Region of Ontario, ONWA's membership is taking actions to make positive change now and for future generations!
Niagara Chapter - Native Women is advocating and assisting Indigenous women and their families through access to culturally relevant services and programs.
Deshkan Zii Bi Indigenous Women’s Association is advancing the collective causes of improving the status of Indigenous women in the urban and on-reserve populations in London, Ontario. They take an active role in calls to action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG).
In the Western Region of Ontario, ONWA's membership is taking actions to make positive change now and for future generations!
Beendigen is providing safety and shelter to Indigenous women and children experiencing violence and facilitating the cycle of healing through the delivery of culturally appropriate programs and services.
Mindemoweyag Women’s Group is advocating and raising awareness on issues that impact Indigenous women and their families and connecting them to services and supports.
In the Northern Region of Ontario, ONWA's membership is taking actions to make positive change now and for future generations!
Aroland Ladies of 242 is reclaiming and sharing traditional ways of living in the North.
Rocky Bay Women’s Council is advocating and supporting Indigenous women with programs and services, access to a community garden and hosting community events.