Programs and Services

Babaamendam (Trauma-Informed Care)
Creates safe spaces for Indigenous women who wish to exit oppressive and violent situations.
Hamilton | Napanee | Ottawa | Thunder Bay | Timmins
Breaking Free from Family Violence
Delivers services to families at risk of or involved with child welfare and/or family violence sectors, and supports women to navigate through the complex systems encountered when experiencing violence and involvement in child welfare matters.
Centralized Intake
Provides a single point of contact for referents and community members to access immediate supports and brief services across the province of Ontario.
Provincially Available | Thunder Bay
Community Health Outreach
Builds community capacity in community health and wellness, with the knowledge that if Indigenous women are well, the community is well.
Provincially Available | Greenstone
Community Wellness
Delivers strength-based, culturally- grounded programming, working one-on-one with families to support Indigenous women’s leadership.
Ending Violence Against Indigenous Women
Provides education, training and tools to empower and support Indigenous women’s healing, specifically survivors of sexual assault and abuse, based on the needs of the individuals.
Provincially Available | Sioux Lookout | Thunder Bay
Indigenous Anti-Human Trafficking
Supports Indigenous communities in providing survivor-focused and localized responses to end Human Trafficking.
Provincially Available | Toronto
Indigenous Diabetes Education
Educates and supports communities about the risk of diabetes and diabetes management.
Provincially Available | Thunder Bay
Indigenous Healthy Babies Healthy Children
Assists Indigenous families in providing the best possible opportunities for healthy development of children through family home visiting, service coordination, and referrals.
Greenstone | Hamilton | Kenora | Napanee | Ottawa | Sioux Lookout | Thunder Bay
Indigenous Responsible Gambling Awareness
Provides community awareness, education, prevention, and resource development regarding responsible gambling for the benefit of all Indigenous women and their families.
Provincially Available | Thunder Bay
Indigenous Sexual Assault Program
The Indigenous Sexual Assault program provides culturally relevant and trauma informed services to Indigenous women who have experience sexual assault and/or sexual violence.
Indigenous Victim and Family Liaison
Provides culturally relevant services, guidance, support, and advocacy for Indigenous women who have experienced violence and the families of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
Land-Based Healing Camps
Provides land-based services that meet the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being through a culturally trauma-informed approach.
Mental Health and Wellness
Utilizes a trauma-informed and traditional support framework to provide support and advocacy services to Indigenous women and their families.
Greenstone | Kenora | Sioux Lookout | Thunder Bay | Timmins | Toronto
Mindimooyenh Health Clinic
Offers a holistic community member driven approach to vaccination and healthcare in a safe space.
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Family Support
Supports families and loved ones of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIWG) with the reconciliation and healing process.
Provincially Available | Thunder Bay
Assists the Indigenous population in Thunder Bay that are at risk of homelessness, and those experiencing homelessness.
Greenstone | Hamilton | Kenora | Napanee | Ottawa | Sioux Lookout | Thunder Bay | Timmins
She is Wise Program
Builds leadership and capacity rooted in Indigenous knowledge and ways of knowing and being through a focus on Indigenous woman at the center approach.
Provincially Available | Thunder Bay
Ska-Be (Helper)
Provides support services to improve the health and wellbeing of urban Indigenous elderly women and/or those with chronic illness or disabilities.
Trusted Sources Program
The Trusted Sources Program assists with the application, facilitation, and renewals for applicants who have already been registered under the Indian Act.
Hamilton | Ottawa | Sioux Lookout | Thunder Bay | Timmins
Urban Aboriginal Strategy
ONWA is the sponsoring agency for the Thunder Bay Urban Aboriginal Advisory Committee.
Youth Cultural Intervention Program
Provides immediate support to female youth involved with, transitioning out, or at risk of involvement in the justice systems, police involvement, probation, and parole systems.
Youth in Transition
Delivers housing supports and services to youth (16-17) years old who are in a Voluntary Youth Services Agreement.
Youth in Transition - Human Trafficking
Youth In Transition - Human Trafficking supports youth that are at risk, currently involved in or are survivors of human trafficking and sex trades.
Youth Life Promotion (Mentorship)
Supports Indigenous youth life promotion and suicide prevention activities, including mental health and wellness supports, and clinical and land-based programming.
Provincially Available | Thunder Bay

ONWA Operating Model
At ONWA, we do not see one person as more important than the other, but rather, we focus on each of our responsibilities as part of the whole. We come together in unity and work towards one vision. ONWA’s Operating Model (below) places Indigenous women at the centre surrounded by our vision, principles, and mandate. Our operating model is reflective not only of our organizational structure but also reflective of the intersectionality of our work as an agency and focuses on everyone’s responsibilities as leaders within the agency.
ONWA Portfolios:
Community Development
Community Services
Corporate Services
Research and Evaluation
Strategic Planning and Communications